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WASTEINFONET-financial and economic forecasting

Over 100 countries!

WasteInfonet is the first company to use artificial intelligence, applications for Android and IOS with a central platform with scanning devices, data storage, built-in multiple wallets and protocols. The technology designed in the network allows you to use any technology available in this way and to generate and transmit information that you have never seen before. In each house located in a specific country, city or town, owners can scan the barcode of each product they dispose of on a daily basis, store this information through their mobile phone, and send it to the platform for payment. WIF token (WASTEINFONET) for completed work. Later our platform will process, classify,


We build on the most modern technology that blends multiple tools, apps with multifunctional wallets, and a secure network for the transmission of information from the moment each household scans the obsolete product every day until it is received on a central platform that does everything Developed an innovative project. This information is a company that will use GPS location technology and artificial intelligence to quickly and securely categorize information received from these cities, countries, or other places in a specific region, and then communicate to customers. You receive important data to know and make decisions about the final elements of the chain of production, distribution and consumption-the same consumer of each household. For this very valuable information


The power of waste information

It's information that trash can bring tremendous power and is used for a wide variety of purposes to make decisions for millions of people. There are real-world situations where businesses basically offer and sell products to interact with their customers, but don't know exactly what end-user users are. Although these companies fall into different categories, they emphasize everything related to food, safety and hygiene in the home and account for 90% of the total waste that is thrown away every day. There are other residues as well, but their frequency is minimal, such as light bulbs, glue, old cloth, cooked food debris, cosmetic cream bottles, etc. The power of the garbage our team provides is transforming decentralized data.

Token Utility (WIF)

Our token has fundamental utility as a means of interconnection between circuits from where it is produced to where information arrives. Internally, the team is convinced that tokens are not as useful as we do, because many crypto projects do not have tokens, they have pursued the usefulness of the tokens, and somehow made it possible for investors to say what utility is. Symbolic. Our tokens (WIF) move in a variety of ways. It is the means of paying the producers of information, the means of payment we receive from the companies that receive this information, and the way investors trust and maintain us. Market capitalization will increase significantly in the near future.

Methods developed for generating information

Some older projects used manual registration systems for different classifications of trash in the home, and these forms were delivered through a specific model designed by the information applicant, which meant very difficult, laborious, inaccurate and late work. It then uses the new technologies it incorporates to add accuracy, speed, precision, security, and multiple utilities through a classification and processing platform. Finally, we achieve quality, new information and accuracy by replacing existing surveys that are unreliable and not useful information. Our international barcode scanning system (barcode), artificial intelligence to transmit networks from 4G 5G mobile phones to our platform, and immediate processing to customers via electronic means make us a leader.

Business model

Our business model focuses on sources of basic information that is thrown away every day around the world, and wherever it is, we get it from other truthful and accurate sources, such as trash cans in each household. This eliminates the uncertainty that creates a high level of variance in decision making by transforming it into highly useful information so that your company can make important decisions that aren't based on predictions or make estimates only when it's not real, safe, accurate and valuable Do it. Make it current. Our business model starts with this company, but our planning framework is to transform this business base into a structure that unifies future projects so that we not only grow, but continue to innovate and innovate the world of information generation.

Current problem

Currently, on average, each inhabitant of the world deposits 1.5 kg per day.

This garbage is produced with a variability between 0.70.

From kilograms to 2 kilograms per day depending on each country

If you don't just have a recycling plant, isn't it useful for this garbage?

No company focuses on the value of what we waste.

Great information we waste. So far we do this every day

The activity is once more active at home.


Wasteinfonet has developed a completely innovative and innovative method.

This waste that each inhabitant of the world generates every day

It has been transformed into very useful information for making important decisions.

We will create a new channel by adding a lot of value to the production company.

Accurate information that far exceeds all types of research, predictions, and estimates.

This makes us a clear leader as the founders of new markets.

All, look for uses for activities such as waste disposal.

This is an operation that is automatically performed with other household chores.


Q1 2020

Multiple studies in different countries and cities,

Business model development.

Q2 2020

Step 1 select the starting country,

Regional and normative studies.

Q3 2020

Get in touch with other fonts to create an ecosystem.

Q4 2020

Legal and marketing analysis for project start-up.

1st quarter of 2021

Token sale, exchange listing, app, beta version for Android and select countries using the platform.

2nd quarter of 2021

Mainnet launch with more countries, new partnerships.

3rd quarter of 2021

More countries have been added to our business to reinvest the flow of money income.

Q4 2021

A special bonus program for investors and always increasing income and optimizing waste collection adds a new branch to the business.

1st quarter of 2022

The new business has added IoT (Internet of Things) sensors that can detect the filling rate and weight of each bin. Optimization of waste collection, truck routes are optimized based on the container's weight and fill level and traffic volume including waste delivery control.

Social contribution to environmental protection

Our project is not oriented towards the recycling of waste and the big problems that this implies globally, but it covers all the costs incurred in each country and future problems where waste is expected to account for a large proportion. With all the pollution problems in rivers, seas and cities, we decided to donate through "donation." We provide all information to non-profit environmental protection organizations. Because we consider it our duty and our social responsibility to help prevent pollution.

We will pass on information to public welfare agencies, government agencies and environmental organizations that will help us live in a better world. This information is basically reprocessed into plastic waste, cardboard, glass and composites. This reprocessing will be done completely "free", which will give you an idea of ​​the waste and waste types, quantities and characteristics in each area. We believe monetizing through business models is our big challenge, but on the other hand, it is also part of us to preserve the environment by providing valuable information to those who work and strive to live in a better and less polluted world. .

Start making money wisely.

Bonus program

Consumer databases that are actively involved in working with us in the information and management chain are also rewarded with cryptocurrency tokens (WIFs) and/or if they fail, direct payments according to geographic regions, loyalty bonuses, these bonuses require a very simple task. Do it. Only each consumer in your home needs to scan the barcodes of consumed products that are discarded on a daily basis, which will give you a monthly bonus that is credited to each wallet.

Referral program for active members

On the other hand, we hope to inform our friends, acquaintances, neighbors and colleagues about our work model and join us to integrate our increasingly large database. The bonus program will also be part of an incentive measure that adds consumers who are actively working with us in the requested special program, and you will receive additional rewards for each active referral. We will use some metrics to make it a bonus payment based on the number of members you have contributed. Payments are made according to the date of collaboration by providing information.


Federico Fornicoia: CEO and Co-Founder

Neygrimar Corniel: Co-Founder-Team Manager

Silvia Eric Sztryk: Chief Operating Officer-COO

Yanibeth García: Chief Content Officer-CCO

Adriana Bravo: Chief Operating Finance Officer-COFO

Adeel Ahmed: Chief Technology Officer-CTO

Marta Alaniz: translator

WASTEINFONET-financial and economic forecasting.

Highlights: This is the first crypto project to truly showcase the entire investment community since launching each phase, designed, planned and strategically planned, with high-level precision estimates based on in-depth analysis of previous research.

The entire investment community that will be part of our project will be able to know our foundation, our choices, our figures, assemble our projected financial statements, and the five-year forecast that will actually generate a lot of information. Buying our tokens knows that they are actually buying and have a greater advantage over leading companies.

The world's top 10 food and beverage companies.

Product development.

1.Build an APP for Android and IOS devices, used to scan products and barcodes, store information, and transmit using 4G and 5G networks.

2. The traceability of the data transmission and reception network to the platform.

3. Information processing, classification and filtering programs transform the received information into useful data to be sent to the "client" of the user's company.

4, network operating protocols, generating sources combine our platform and information flow security system to the company

5. Alternative payment methods for specific locations will be determined, with exceptions being incorporated into our protocol at other required points.

6. The platform connection system is developed with the client company to test the security level.

7. Artificial intelligence begins to be used to improve information processing.

8. Create a database with a database and information generator that will provide the platform and team with contact information for companies in the country of release.

9. A gathering committee is formed to evaluate and integrate continuous improvement.

More info on Wasteinfonet:

My Bitcointalk : Chaniagho

ETH : 0xe1C7D86C5b61819716c266FC51127c95F49998bC

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